Darom Digital Design – DaromDigitalDesign

Darom Digital Design

Darom Digital Design – My Portfolio

Date: 2015–present





Project: Logo for my company

Medium: Online

Applications: Adobe Illustrator

Description: I designed my logo in 2015 to launch my freelance career. I designed many prototypes until I was satisfied with the results. I used the Maryland colors (white: #ffffff, red: #981e32, yellow: #eaab00, and black: #000000, to celebrate the state I live in and create a branding to identify with the state of Maryland. The 3Ds are made up of my last name darom, and digital design. To show the digital aspect of my work, I designed a stylus pen to form the branch of the lower case d, linking to darom that is lowercase as well. DIGITAL and DESIGN use the respective colors of the two Ds.




Project: Website for my portfolio – Final Project for capstone course CMST-495 Current Trends and Projects in Digital Media and Web Technology, UMGC

Medium: Online

Format: Responsive design

Applications: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress template (customized)

Description: Per the project assignment, I created a portfolio to chronicle and highlight what I have learned in the program. I have included several projects that I have done throughout my employment and as a freelancer. It is a compilation of digital design with brochures and newsletter, graphic design with the creation of several logos, web design and a multimedia project created for a class. I already had my domain name “daromdigitaldesign” and used a free WordPress template called PortfolioLight from themehunk.com. The template is customizable. The requirements include showcasing a minimum of 5 pieces. Detailed information are included from date to description of projects.