RnD Associates and RDA Africa
RnD Associates Global is a small business owned and operated by an African American woman. RnD Associates provide human capacity building services to strengthen the knowledge and skills of service professionals to build more vibrant, healthy and safe communities.
Rebkha Atnafou has contracted my services since April 2021.
Date: August/September 2021
Entrepreneurship Education in Africa: From Theory To Practice – 2-day virtual symposium
Project: First Symposium on Entrepreneurship Education in Africa.
Medium: Online
Format: jpg, pdf
Applications: Adobe In-Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Web
Description: Created a flyer, an online program, 3 ads (included in the program), 35 Individual posters for all panelists to post on their social media and link to the conference page. Maintain the website.
RDA Africa
Date: March 2021
Marketing Brochure
Project: Brochure for RDA Africa to promote the company and present during meeting.
Medium: Print
Format: 4-color, 8.5 x 11
Applications: Adobe In-Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Description: This brochure introduces RnD Associates Global’s Affiliate RDA Africa to potential clients and sponsors. The brochure is designed as single pages in order to print on-demand and easily add new associates and projects as the organization expands its services in Ethiopia and Kenya. I edited the photos and copy and designed the brochure with input from the client.